Episodes tagged: Benefits


Benefits Essentials for the 5 Generation Workforce

Today, we met with Tom Hammond to talk about comprehensive and diverse benefits solutions for different generations in the workforce.

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Employer Coverage of Popular Weight-Loss Drugs on the Increase in 2024

In this episode Steve shares data from a recent employer benefits survey which indicates more employers including coverage of GLP-1 drugs like Wegovy and Ozempic when prescribed for weight-loss purposes for their employees.

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Employee Child and Elder Care Benefits Becoming More Popular Among Employers

In this episode Steve shares data from a recent Care.com report on the growing importance and increasing popularity of childcare and elder caregiving benefits for employees.

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North Carolina State Health Plan to End Coverage for Weight Loss Drugs

In this episode Steve shares how the North Carolina State employee health plan has decided to end coverage of popular weight loss drugs like Wegovy, citing unprecedented cost increases.

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What to Expect at Work and in Workplaces in 2024

In this episode Steve discusses major trends expected to impact and shape the world of work in 2024.

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Facing High Drug Costs, US Employers Turn to Weight Management Programs

In this episode Steve discusses how high costs for weight loss drugs like Wegovy and Zepbound are leading some employers to implement third-party weight management programs for employees seeking access to these medications.

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The Essentials of Payroll Year-End and Starting 2024 Off Right

This week on At Work in America, we met with Tom Hammond from Paychex, to talk about the importance of giving your business a year-end check-up to start your new year right.

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Evolving Trends in Employee Benefits Include Weight Loss Drug Coverage

In this episode Steve discusses important 2024 trends in employee benefits including more organizations extending coverage for weight loss drugs like Ozempic.

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Weight Loss Proves Costly: More Companies Drop Coverage for Popular Drugs

In this episode Steve discusses how more self-insured organizations are dropping employee coverage of popular weight-loss drugs like Wegovy and Ozempic.

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Company-Sponsored Health Plans Reluctant to Cover Ozempic for Weight Loss

In this episode Steve discusses how many employer-sponsored health care plans are reluctant to cover Ozempic and other weight loss treatment drugs for their employees.

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