Growing from Within: Strategies for Building and Nurturing your Employees
Hosted by

Steve Boese
Co-Founder and Chief Data Officer of H3 HR Advisors and Program Chair, HR Technology Conference

Trish Steed
Co- Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, H3 HR Advisors
About this episode
Growing from Within: Strategies for Building and Nurturing your Employees
Hosts: Steve Boese, Trish Steed
Guest: Shelley Roither, Senior Vice President of Global Human Resources, Enterprise Holdings
This episode of At Work in America is sponsored by Paychex, one of the leading providers of HR, payroll, retirement, and insurance solutions for businesses of all sizes. As the workplace continues to evolve, businesses are being forced to adapt and innovate to meet the challenge. Our fifth annual workforce trend study will help you understand this year’s top business challenges — and set your strategic priorities. Get the report, 2023 Priorities for Business Leaders: Trends, Insights, and Ideas for an Evolving Workplace to learn the challenges facing businesses like yours and how you don’t have to go it alone. Visit to check it out, today.
This week we met with Shelley Roither from Enterprise Holdings to talk about important HR topics such as talent management, engagement, retention, culture, and more!
– How to provide an engaging, inclusive workplace that’s purpose driven
– The importance of internal mobility and why it’s a differentiator
– Sustaining internal mobility in a declining labor market
– Attracting and retaining talent by upskilling current talent in the workplace
Check out Enterprise and the careers they have available
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Transcript follows:
Announcer 0:00
Welcome to At Work in America sponsored by Paychex. At Work in America digs in behind the headlines and trends to the stories of real people making a difference in the world of work. And now here are your hosts Steve Boese and Trish Steed.
Steve 0:27
Welcome to the At Work in America Show. My name is Steve Boese. I’m joined by Trish Steed. Trish, how are you today?
Trish 0:32
I’m fantastic, Steve, how are you?
Steve 0:35
I am well, thank you. We have a great show today, we’re diving into talent management, engagement, retention, culture, all those big important HR topics with one of, I’ll say right now, one of my favorite brands, one of America’s favorite brands, at least for me, Enterprise Holdings, which oh my god, I must have rented enterprise cars like 100 times, probably in the last 10 years. I’m not even kidding. I love it. And, but I love to get behind the stories of organizations and brands that we’ve worked with. So it’ll be great to talk to our guests from Enterprise here in second.
Steve 1:10
I want to thank our friends at Paychex, of course, helped make this show possible and help help us have all these great conversations. This episode of At Work in America is sponsored by Paychex, one of the leading providers of HR, payroll, retirement and insurance solutions for businesses of all sizes. As the workplace continues to evolve, businesses are being forced to adapt and innovate to meet these challenges. Paychex Fifth Annual Workforce Trends Study will help you understand the top business challenges and help you set your strategic priorities. You can get this new report 2023 priorities for business leaders, trends, Insights and Ideas for an evolving workplace to learn about the challenges facing businesses like yours, and how you don’t have to go it alone. Visit to get that report today, so thank you to our friends at Paychex.
Steve 2:00
Alright, Trish, let’s welcome our guest. She’s waiting patiently for us. Our guest today is Shelley Roither. She is the Senior Vice President of Human Resources at Enterprise Holdings, where she has worked for over 20 years. She leads the global HR team to attract and retain talented individuals ensuring the company’s culture aligns with its mission. Prior to joining Enterprise, Shelly worked as a partner at McMahon Berger specializing in Labor and Employment Law. Okay, this will be good. I love a little Labor and Employment Law conversation. She holds a bachelor’s degree in a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Missouri. Shelley, welcome to the show. How are you today?
Shelley Roither 2:36
I’m doing well. How are you both?
Steve 2:40
We’ve got a fantastic HR leader from St. Louis. And now you’re not in St. Louis. You’ve only talked about St. Louis for the last 15 years on this show.
Trish 2:49
I know. I know. So St. Louis born and raised. But yes. Coming to you live from Lincoln, Nebraska this morning where my children go to college. You mentioned using Enterprise yourself. Being a St. Louis girl, you always support the St. Louis businesses no matter what. So yes, enterprises. My not only rental car of choice, but I’ve even purchased cars from Enterprise. So there’s that angle as well. So yeah, we’re glad to have you on the show.
Steve 3:15
I know we’re not going to talk specifically about the rental car business, Shelley, too much. I’ll cover that on my other podcast kind of rental car today. But we’ve had great experiences there time after time after time. And maybe we will start there though. Like I’m talking about just the courtesy, the customer service, the attention to detail from one of the many 1000s of locations where you can rent a car. I just feel like it’s been consistent. It’s been exemplary and even obviously, something sometimes things go wrong in this in that business, right. In any business. I’ve never been disappointed with the service. I’ve gotten middle start there, Shelly or the from your perspective as the HR leader at a company like enterprise, bi, you guys think about hey, how do we really find and develop the right people to really deliver that kind of customer service on a consistent basis?
Shelley Roither 4:08
Right, Steve? Well, I’m glad and Trish, I’m glad that you both had great experiences. That’s what we live for. Right? Customer service is our way of life. And it’s really important as we frame our talent, mobility, to make sure that we are delivering on that promise. So how do we do that? Talent Management, finding the right people, putting them in the right seats of the bus, right? We talked about that all the time in HR. And, you know, our focus is really on our employee value proposition. Right. And that is, you know, how do we provide an engaging, inclusive workplace that’s purpose driven, and affords our employees the opportunity to thrive, grow in advance and when you can offer that then they are motivated every day they are inspired every day. We have a huge teamwork culture and I think that’s what you’re seeing when you are in the rental branches getting served.
Trish 5:00
You know what, I’m glad you mentioned that to start the show, because I think we hear a lot about the employee experience, which is certainly important. But I feel like the employee value proposition is a little bit different twist on that, right? It’s not just are you giving someone a good experience? It’s are you really helping them see the value in what they’re doing and why they’re doing it. And so, I’d love to even hear your perspective, even a little deeper on that. Because, you know, when Steve’s talking about even if something goes wrong, he’s still getting exemplary service from you know, people who are connected to the work they’re doing. I don’t think we see that everywhere. Could you talk about like, how did you come up with maybe the employee value proposition you have? Or what are some of your thoughts with you and your team or the other leaders there, as you as you even think about what that is for your employees?
Shelley Roither 5:45
Yeah, you know, when when we all experienced the pandemic, and what that did to organizations and culture and people, you know, we had our challenges just like everyone else. And that pandemic really prompted renew calls for flexibility, empathy, resilience, right? of our folks. And, but the tension in that is that we must also run this successful organization that delivers world class customer service, and it’s up to leadership to resolve that tension. So we knew that we needed to offer flexibility and purpose because purpose, Trish you asked about that we’ve learned is most important to our worker of today, right? years ago is all about just compensation or pay or perks. And now we know that it’s really important for folks to work for a purpose driven organization where they understand what they’re there to do, and that they’re working for an organization that’s bigger than themselves, right? Something that delivers something good for the planet, good for the world, good for employees, people around and when you can focus and make the connection, so that employees can see the purpose that they’re driving, but also build into the culture opportunities, so that they can fulfill purposes outside of their day job, right, whether that’s through foundation giving, whether that’s through community involvement, whether that is through things like my purpose, my time, which is something that we rolled out relatively recently, over the last few years, where everybody gets a full paid day off, to contribute to a charity or organization that they’re passionate about. Right. That’s what we’re talking about when we talk about purpose and purpose driven.
Steve 7:39
I really, I love those. I love that context. And I was really sort of setting out on the show today thinking about this, but I’m going to ask about it now, because of what you said about the employees valuing purpose, maybe as it more or at least as much as maybe many of the traditional things, right? Obviously, to compete for talent, you’ve got to be competitive on compensation, you’ve got to offer a nice benefit package, you’ve got to those things don’t really change. But is it a reflection? Surely I imagined that place like enterprise that’s got 1000s of locations around the country and used to be anyway, in my knowledge, very famous from maybe being in the top five navy of companies in the United States who are hiring recent college graduates, there are always lots of them being hired? Is it a reflection of how this new generation of workers is making decisions around where they’d like to work? And what they value in an organization? Is that shifting how you’re thinking about some of these things?
Shelley Roither 8:36
I think so it hasn’t changed our true core. And that is to go out and find inspired motivating folks who want to learn a career, but also to work for an organization. And I think Steve and Trish what’s unique about Enterprise is we often talk about not a corporate ladder, we talk about a corporate lattice. And what that means is you can go up down sideways. In order to grow a career, we often talk about the fact that in Enterprise, you can change careers without changing jobs, changing companies, right. So an Enterprise when you come in as a management training. We are there to inspire, develop and coach and educate our employee on everything about the business operationally, learn about the culture, but more importantly, learn about other opportunities within the organization.
Shelley Roither 9:34
One of the strangest things that I have to share when I came here, Steve and Trish, and you remember from my bio, I’m a recovering lawyer. As as I came in HR, I realized I look around at our hundreds of HR professionals in this organization, and do you know where they all came from, with probably my exception, the management training program? Wow, we build from within and so you have opportunities within this organization, again to change careers without leaving enterprise to go into claims, marketing, communications, HR, operations sales. And I think that’s kind of where our sweet spot is. That’s our differentiator, that internal mobility. I think, you know, we’re all struggling. HR is struggling, right? The labor market is tough, right? We’re everybody is competing for talent. And I think, Steve, you hit it on the head perks, benefits, those are just they’re expected. Yeah. So you have to give more. And I think, you know, the statistics show that employees who make internal moves are more likely to stay in an organization longer than those who just stay in the same role, simple as that internal mobility improves your retention. And if you stay longer than two years, and you’ve enjoyed some internal mobility, you’re 75% more likely to stay. And the great news is, the statistics back that up, but but we’ve always been focused on the importance of internal mobility, because it’s what drives and fuels our business. We grow internally. I’m an odd one. I’m one who came from the outside who never rented a car. But I am an odd one, if you look at our executive team, you look at all of our leaders, they come from the management training program.
Trish 11:27
You know, surely one of the things is you’re talking about that, obviously, there’s huge value in what you’re doing. But one of the maybe arguments people who work in organizations that aren’t doing that might have is, you know, they feel very proprietary over that employee. So what I’d love to hear is, obviously, you’re somehow alleviating that feeling that that your leaders have, right if they’re willing to maybe keep someone to yours, and then let them move on to another whole department, right? If you’re an HR and you get to move to marketing, or finance or whatever. Is there something that you do to kind of make that okay for the leaders, because I feel like places I’ve worked even in St. Louis, would have been very resistant to that to giving up their person who’s so good, right to go on to something even if it’s best for the employee? How do you handle that?
Shelley Roither 12:20
Hoarding talent yeah. So there are some things that are culturally ingrained and what we do that that combats that tendency of managers to hold on. Number one, when you hold on to somebody in a place or in a scene on the bus, they’re really not going to blossom in, they’re going to leave you right. But in Enterprise, oddly enough, we get promoted by promoting people. So in other words, when we put together our promotional packets, when we’re throwing for opportunities, one of the things that we want to hear about is how you’ve developed, grown and poured it out your talent. When you see a new job promotional announcement and Enterprise where we’re announcing someone who got a promotion, always included in that job promotional announcement, is how many people that they have promoted out to other parts of the business, right? We matrix and we’re a very matrix driven company, and how we develop our talent, not just talent, but also diverse talent that’s reviewed as well. So those are some of the more natural things that we look at. We also do it from a comms perspective, Trish.
Shelley Roither 13:35
So for example, when we were coming out of the pandemic, as you mentioned earlier, communication was so important because people were so isolated, they were quarantine they missed people. You know, Chrissy Taylor, our Chief Executive Officer, at that point, committed a quarterly townhall meetings, we were there visible, we wanted to get out with our people. Every time we have a townhall, we talk about our executives, we introduce somebody, we always use that opportunity with our global workforce to have them explain their career path where they’ve gone, how many times they’ve gone, what divisions they’ve led, we talk about how important it is to be multifaceted. And that’s how you grow. Because we’re competency based. We just don’t pigeonhole people. If we see competencies, it can stretch across other divisions, other lines, other areas we’re all in. But the most important thing is to know that if you want to get promoted here, you develop your people and you get them promoted out.
Trish 14:36
You know what I just want to say, Steve, before we move into sales, that’s brilliant, because it sounds like it’s a very simple concept, but that’s so brilliant, because a lot of what we struggle with is people will not do what they’re not held accountable for. They just won’t right if they’re not measured against it. So what a great way to build that into your own and I mean, I’m making notes like crazy. I love this idea of sharing that person’s journey who’s being promoted how they got there? How many moves have they made in their in their career, they’re so again, it sort of shows anyone who might be newer to the organization. Wow, they made all of these different moves and had all these different experiences. I could do the same thing. Right. So what a great approach.
Steve 15:18
Yeah, I think it’s a great concept to, I’m a huge sports person, Shelley. So I was thinking about some sometimes I always try to make sports analogies from some of these concepts. And there’s this other one in coaching, right, when you’ll see a famous coach of a basketball team or a football team or something. And then they’ll say the on a game like, Oh, so many former assistants of this coach are now head coaches, right at other teams, or they’ve moved on to other colleges and taken over programs. And that’s right, that’s fun. It’s a great signal and a great sign of that coaches, not just ability to coach a game se but also to develop talent, right? Which for organizations like enterprise, large organizations, national organizations, that pipeline of new leadership, and people ready to take on more or take on different, it’s certainly got to be very, very important just to keep the talent where it needs to be at the right place at the right time, as you suggested at the beginning of the show.
Shelley Roither 16:12
Absolutely. It’s really important right to sustain that internal mobility, especially as HR professionals are looking ahead to what this labor market is looking if we look at an ominous, you know, get kind of techie, but you know, declining birth rates, right ageing workforce, right, we are going to see pressures in the next decade or two that we’ve never seen before in terms of how our workforce is shifting how those expectations are going to shift and how we’re going to deliver right on the purpose there. You know, we talked for probably the past 10 years, I can’t imagine how many times on your podcast, you talked about Gen Z, millennials, right? The new workforce, and I’m like, hey, you know, 60% of our current workforce is neither Gen Z or millennials. So our preoccupation with the new generations, it’s kind of misplaced. In my view, I think we need to start expanding our focus on all of our workers, and upskilling and reskilling and all those kinds of of buzzwords that we’re focused on, they’re real. And we really need to be focused on them if we’re going to continue to look to deliver in the years ahead.
Trish 17:27
Yeah, I, you know, I think you’re right, because especially if you’re I’m imagining maybe Gen X like we are, we’re not always focused on upskilling ourselves either. And so that we do focus on the younger generations and maybe wrongfully so right, we should certainly put some effort and feeling there into what we want to do. I think also, our generation is probably the tail end of where we were still being told, or at least I was being told, you know, you you do take a job. And that’s your only job your whole life. Right. And so I remember having that argument with my parents over No, I’m probably going to have several jobs in my career. And they thought that was just horrible. How would we do that? So yeah, it’s it’s being told maybe what the way the world should be as one way, experiencing it a different way. And now we’re having to adjust yet to new ways of thinking. So we’re a little bit of a tough spot being if you’re, you know, 40-50-60 years old right now in the workforce.
Shelley Roither 18:25
I think I heard just last week from BLS, or SHRM that I think, you know, Americans over 55, are going to take roughly half of all new jobs created the next decade. And if you think about us, right, because I’m an extra right along with you, if you think about that, and how that’s going to really prompt further evolution in the workplace. It’s pretty interesting, right?
Steve 18:54
Yeah. That’s fascinated by this. Just yesterday, Trish, I had not spoken to you about this. So shall I do this other little show a couple of times weeks, just called the workplace minute, it’s a two hour actually, it’s sometimes they get a longer three or four minutes, just kind of workplace news and stories that we publish. And the one that’s going out on Thursday is about raising retirement ages. Some of the issues around that, because you might have seen some of the things that are happening in France right now where the French government is attempting to raise the official retirement age in France from, oddly enough from very old, it’s 62. Currently, they want to make it 64. And there are there’s rioting in the streets of Paris, Trish, over this but forgetting that part, for now, it’s just more about some of the thinking about how do we make workplaces a little more accommodating, a little more inclusive, a little more. The type of workforce is going to get older. And we’re going to try to create more opportunity for an older workforce. We’re gonna really think intentionally about that, right? It’s not it’s not as simple as just oh, just just hire older folks, right? There’s more to it, which is, I think another beneath the surface thing, Shelley You know, maybe something you guys were thinking about to? I don’t know. But it’s interesting anyway?
Shelley Roither 20:04
Well, we were always looking at ways that we can not only fuel our pipeline, right, with new entrants into the organization, but also, and I mentioned earlier, upskilling. So, you know, Steve, you, you talk about, you know, the changing expectations and what’s going on with Macron. And in France, but, you know, if you think about it, it comes always down to the core, right, that employee value proposition that I started with, and that is focusing on the whole person, right? Wellness inclusion, can we develop them? Are they engaged at work cultures really important in Enterprise, it’s what you see the enthusiasm in the branches, it’s part of our culture, we recognize we celebrate all the time in our organization. Purpose, and then of course, growth. And I think growth is is it means different things to different people, you know, we have our employee brand, for example, is called driven from within, and what that what that’s designed to speak to is not just our origins as a rental car company, but also that it’s your own personal journey, right. And your journey takes you where you want to go. It’s our responsibility to give you the tools and the resources and the support and the leadership that you need to get there. But you take your journey. So this whole personal growth, organizational growth, career growth, mentorship, I think all of that plays such a key role in engaging and retaining talent. And I mean, all of us in the HR space, right, that we are uber focused on, how do we attract retain talent? So key?
Trish 21:57
Yeah, so I have a question you mentioned, you know, retaining the talent. So as you were talking, I was thinking, you know, if you are someone who’s maybe been in the workforce several decades, and never experienced a work environment, where you really are valued and in a, in a purpose driven way like this, because many of us may not have experienced that in our careers yet. What kind of feedback? Are you getting? Maybe from some of the workers who are in that older cohort? And secondarily, are you doing anything yet? Maybe specifically driven around their well being that might be different than what a younger worker might need? Or one is that even a thought in this overall employee value proposition for you?
Shelley Roither 22:43
It is, as we look, well, first, you know, every organization has its current challenges has its, you know, items that they’re focused on to overcome. I think, for us, it’s not been we’ve stayed ahead on kind of the comp and the benefits and things. But for us, it’s been wellness. And so you mentioned that you mentioned kind of all employees of all segments. And that’s been a real big focus. So we recently rolled out something called My support, right, which is focused on wellness, but not the traditional mental wellness that we all think about, right? It’s about physical wellness, financial, wellness, social wellness, so and when you talk about everybody in the different genres and work, financial wellness, for example, we’re not just educating younger employees on the importance of saving and looking beyond next week, to buy PlayStation but think about 10 years from now, where do you want to be and what do you need to do, but also financial wellness for parents who are restructuring student debt or trying to pay off and help their children’s debt? Right?
Shelley Roither 24:04
So offering different vehicles that speak to different genres is very important. So that’s the financial social lowness connecting in we often go immediately to Okay, as a younger entrant to the workforce, maybe I need to take care of health, but now we’re talking about elder care. What do I do with my parents? I’m struggling with caring for parents, not just children. So it does require us to think broader scope, right, and think about what is important to all these people, collectively. And then the last point is, I mentioned it earlier, but upskilling you know, we have a lot of employees. If you think about the industry, think about auto tax. Think about the technical jobs you’re going to be lacking. We have a workforce full of employees who are dedicated hard work meaning they want to be challenged, they lacked that technical skill. So we’ve developed and are piloting this program where we’re delivering training for ASE certifications, right? So you can build up your technical certifications right here as part of your, your job, you can elevate, and you can grow and see that career path, again, driving internal mobility, building and upskilling, current talent, right for somebody who wants to continue to grow. And I think that’s going to become increasingly important, as we see the labor force shift.
Steve 25:36
Yeah, Shelley, thank you for sharing that. And I wonder, just as a follow up to that, is that a reaction to just the the challenges in the in the hiring environment? And, or, because I think I wonder if like, some organizations, cynics might say, boy, if I help these folks achieve these certifications, and upskill themselves, right, if I make that part of their, their onboarding, and trading and IT training, that I may lose them, they will become more valuable to competitors, whether it’s other companies in your space, or adjacent companies, right? Those certifications are really probably valuable in the market, do you? Does the organization worry at all about that, or I wonder how you just think about that, or how you talk about it?
Shelley Roither 26:19
I would phrase it this way. It’s our responsibility to create a world class opportunity and a world class organization to keep them right. Because if people get stale, they’re going to leave. So our job and our commitment, and maybe that resonates, I think it does with our employees, they know we are committed, we want their journey drive from within, we want you to grow, we want you to continue to grow, but we offer the opportunities for you to stay right here. And I think it’s my responsibility to offer that right to create that exceptional workplace, we, where we don’t have to worry about that. Right? We want to stay competitive, we want to be the best. And and and we we work really hard to try to fight against that, Steve. Yeah, but I don’t think that you can be afraid of that. Because I think the counter to that is, you’re never going to develop, you’re never going to have an engaged workforce, you’ve got to go all in, right. And you’ve got to communicate that message, you have to listen to your employees, you have to hear what’s on their mind. That’s why we do you know, our Gallup, we measure Q12. If you’ve talked about the Q12. The drivers for engagement, we measure that every year, across our entire organization, we take those lessons, and we listen. And we learn, and we develop action plans to roll those out. And I think that that’s what’s important and an essential part of driving engagement. And, and driving strong retention. You know, I’m finding what to knock on. But we have record setting retention right now. It’s never been higher in our organization. And we’re proud of that, but we work hard at it.
Trish 28:11
I think to surely when you’re when you’re thinking about really making sure your people are trained in that world class level way. Even if someone leaves, it’s okay, because they will go out into the world and see most likely that their next organization won’t have that commitment. So I would imagine you probably also get a fair number of boomerangs, maybe even if they leave, right that ultimately come back with that loyalty. Because I do think people don’t want to leave their job. People really want and desire to stay truly if there’s purpose and like you’re saying training and all those things, right? So do you have boomerangs that are coming back? Maybe they thought the grass was greener, and they’re like, actually was it?
Shelley Roither 28:55
We do have boomerangs and I say those are some of the best employee referral sources ever right to your point, Trish, they’ve gone and they’ve tested the water, they’ve seen and they have a comparison. So they do come back and they’re strong. So boomerangs do play a role, and, and we’d love to have them back. They’re a great vocal advocate for everything that is working within the organization. But we can’t rest our laurels on that to either, you know, we, we commit through our management training program, you know, through onboarding through a nine month roadmap that’s focused on service sales operations, delivering customer service. And, you know, I think when people follow that roadmap, and they see the vision for what they’re developing in their current role, but most importantly, during that time, we do our very best to show them what’s available in other divisions. This is that anti hoarding comment you talked about? Right? Do you have to be out and you have to showcase what’s available in new hire orientation and fat even though daily rental is our kind of bread and butter, it’s where we bring our entrants into our organization. Even during their new hire orientation week, we are exposing them to other divisions, whether it’s truck, fleet commute, car sales, and we invite these leaders in to show them opportunity abound, just one way to continue to engage and keep the level of interest high within the organization.
Steve 30:41
This has been a great kind of, I don’t know, wide ranging kind of tour to force over some of the big talent management issues facing organizations today, specifically, particularly large organizations. But I think I think all the things Shelley talked about are applicable to really any size organization as they’re thinking about engagement and retention and development. Specifically, I only have one more questions a little bit a different one, Shelley, some people like think the, you know, the invention of you know, the iPhone was a big seminal moment in the development of our civilization. And it maybe it was, Joey, I want to know, do we know comes identify the actual person, she or he who developed, we will come and pick you up and take you to the enterprise facility to get your car? If you need a car, or both your house and get you personally can point to that that was the person who thought of that. Because I think that was a game changing idea at the level of the iPhone, in my opinion.
Shelley Roither 31:35
Can I tell you that was an employee down in our Florida operations that develop that philosophy that has become our bread and butter all these years? Right. So when you when we talk about listening to our employees, we do they come up with the best and the greatest ideas. So yeah, that was home grown out of a Florida rental branch and said, hey, we’ll come pick you up. And here we are.
Trish 32:04
And you know, what that speaks to, to the fact that your employees feel empowered, then to make those kinds of recommendations. That could be just completely business changing, right. But how brilliant that they felt like they could go ahead and do that and make that call.
Steve 32:22
That’d be organization say, hey, let’s try this, right, because I imagine someone somewhere probably, I don’t know, surely someone might have said, really well go do that. That seems I don’t know, someone might have invented some reason why we can’t do it. I don’t know, maybe maybe not. But sometimes that happens in organizations, right? When someone says, Hey, I got this great idea. And other people feel like they have to say, oh, no, we can’t do that.
Shelley Roither 32:43
Absolutely. It’s you know, the entrepreneurship, that’s, that’s kind of, it’s invested in our culture. It’s ingrained in our culture. But you know, we are you often hear if you talk, if you hear people talk about enterprise, we’re very decentralized. We’re a large organization made up of number of small businesses, led by a tremendous leadership teams locally in the field. And they are given a lot of autonomy to come up with things just like what you talked about. That’s a great start. You got to be open to it. Right? Sure. Yeah.
Trish 33:17
Great stuff.
Steve 33:18
This has been so much fun Shelley. We can probably go on and on which we shouldn’t write to be respectful to everyone’s time. I think thank you so much for taking some time to share just some of the some of the great work you guys are doing there. And Enterprise, some of the philosophies, how you’re engaging with talent, how you’re developing talent, it sounds like a fabulous place to work. I will throw out their I spent a little time on there this morning. Like there’s literally a couple of 1000 open positions around the country listed on that site. One in Tampa, Florida. I had my eye on quite frankly, Trisha, I’d love to have you come on, submit for Well, I don’t know if I’ll cut. I’ll cut it there. But I might submit because it looks just the locale looks fascinating. Shall Is there anything else you’d like to mention before we let you go today?
Shelley Roither 34:07
I just want to thank you for the opportunity to talk about this wonderful organization. It’s easy to talk about what it stands for. Starting with Chrissy Taylor, and down through the entire leadership team down to our employees and the local branches. I appreciate them. I appreciate what they do. And it’s just a pleasure to get to talk about them with you today. So thanks for that.
Trish 34:32
Thank you.
Steve 34:33
Yeah, great stuff. Thank you so much, Shelley, we’ll put the links in the show notes. I do urge folks to read about a little bit of the story of Enterprise to going back to the founding back in the 50s. It’s fascinating, and there was things in there I never knew right? And I thought I knew a little bit about this company as being a frequent customer over the years. And so I learned a little bit as well and it’s a great story. It’s a fascinating organization really doing some wonderful things and Shelley’s awesome. Thanks to her for spending some time with us today, Trish thanks to our friends at Paychex of course, without whom, maybe none of this is possible. But they are wonderful to us and we thank them. And we encourage folks to subscribe, tell a friend rate and review and check out all the show archives Trish, including our Gen Z podcast.
Trish 35:18
The Play by Play
Steve 35:20
Done by real Gen Zers. Shelley we’ll send you a link maybe you can check that out. These are your next recruits these two guys, and check that out at So, for our guest, Shelley Roither from Enterprise Holdings, for Trish Steed, my name is Steve Boese. Thanks so much for listening. We’ll see you next time and bye for now.
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