HR Happy Hour 490 – Workplace Movie Hall of Fame – JAWS
Hosted by

Steve Boese
Co-Founder and Chief Data Officer of H3 HR Advisors and Program Chair, HR Technology Conference

Trish Steed
Co- Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, H3 HR Advisors
About this episode
HR Happy Hour 490 – Workplace Movie Hall of Fame – JAWS
Hosts: Steve Boese, Trish Steed
This episode of the HR Happy Hour is sponsored by Paychex, one of the leading providers of HR, payroll, retirement, and insurance solutions for businesses of all sizes. More than half of business owners with 10-500 employees say the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine is causing them to start, or start planning, their return to the workplace. If you’re thinking about instituting a vaccination policy, download Paychex’s latest e-book, “Managing COVID-19 Vaccinations and the Return to Work,” to learn about key considerations for developing your policy, as well as important health and safety measures for establishing a safe and productive return to work. Go to to download your copy of the e-book, today.
This week we are back with the Workplace Movie Hall of Fame series talking about the HR, workplace, and leadership lessons from the 1975 movie Jaws, starring Roy Schneider, Robert Shaw, and Richard Dreyfuss; directed by Steven Spielberg. We discussed building a team from diverse backgrounds, how different members of a team need to step up to take a leadership role, and using alternative sources to find the talent you need for your organization.
Thank you for listening! Be sure to subscribe to the HR Happy Hour wherever you get your podcasts.
Transcript follows:
Steve 0:00
Welcome to the HR HappyHour Show sponsored by Paychex with Steve and Trish, Trish. We are covering one of our favorite themes on the podcast today. That’s right. It’s workplace movie Hall of Fame week. We thought it’d be perfect for the Fourth of July week to do a little bit of a lighter show lighter talent show more fun show. What better summertime workplace movie hall of fame. 1975 JAWS.
Trish 0:30
I know, right? We picked this movie I have to admit, at first I was questioning our choice. After re-watching a movie i don’t think i’ve seen since probably 1983 or so. Because I was too young to watch it. You probably were too when it actually came out.
Steve 0:48
Yeah, I’m slightly older than you Trish, as you’ve mentioned 87 times in history of this show. I saw Jaws when it was in theaters. I actually I remember this from my youth. I saw it in a drive in theater that summer, the summer 1975 it was I do remember. I vividly remember it was super exciting.
Trish 1:09
So you would have been like eight like that would have been a really scary movie, I think to watch at a drive in. But I remember we got cable in 1983. And so I’m sure I saw it on like HBO or something like that. But so yes, I’m glad we’re revisiting. I legit had no idea what the story was anymore. And so it was almost like watching a brand new movie.
Steve 1:30
So for folks who maybe are new to the workplace movie hall of fame series, I can’t remember the last one we did. It’s been a little bit. Well Trish and I break down kind of the workplace and leadership and interpersonal dynamic relationships that we discover from watching a famous movie, typically an older movie. This is the oldest movie I think we’ve taken on in workplace movie hall of fame. Trish, probably I’ll give you some stats and listeners as well about Jaws. Again, as I said came out in 1975. It was the number one grossing movie of 1975 was $260 million in ticket sales. Trish if you convert that to 2021. That’s 1.3 billion today, which so think the level of blockbuster really movie was is kind of underrated. This is more than double the biggest movie of 1975. It won three Oscars for sound for editing and original score. Those who’ve seen this movie are familiar with the famous shark music right? And was directed by the legend Steven Spielberg and stars Roy Scheider, as the sheriff Robert Shaw, Quint the old seafarer, and Richard Dreyfus as the marine biologist and the theme of the movie one sentence, Trish. When a killer shark unleashes chaos on a beach community, it’s up to a local sheriff, a marine biologist and an old seafarer to hunt the beast down. I have to say, I really love this movie.
Trish 3:00
I really love this movie, too. And I didn’t think I would and if you have not seen it or not seen it in many years, it’s like yes, it is made in the 70s you know, effects. Now would be a little more dramatic, I think. But the movie itself, it really holds up. We say a lot of times that the movies from the 80s or 70s don’t hold up. I think it does, don’t you?
Steve 3:21
Yeah, it really does. The things you notice maybe is it for an action movie, a big summer blockbuster movie, and it has a ton of action and some scares and that kind of thing. It moves kind of slow, it’s paced a little bit more slowly. Quint who’s one of the pretty much pivotal characters in the movie, the old seafarer captain, they hired to go out and kill the shark. He’s not in the movie for for much of the first half of the movie, he shows up for a minute or two. And then we don’t see him again for quite some time. So it’s a little bit different in that regard. But yeah, so there’s tons of kind of workplace and leadership and interpersonal kind of working dynamics at play organizational dynamics at play here. Trish, what’s one thing that stood out to you? You just say, man this is something that’s important to take away from this movie.
Trish 4:13
I guess my first time it would just be that coming into it and having not seen it for so long. I was struggling thinking like, how are we going to equate this to the workplace, but they’re like you mentioned there were so many things. I think that you know, you mentioned that Quint the seafarer, the captain of the boat and he’s, you know, he’s kind of your typical movie captain, right. He’s drunk a lot of the time. He’s a little gruff. He does really outrageous, outlandish things on the boat to damage the boat and damage communications and whatnot. And so I think what really struck me is that you know, the first part of the movie, like you said, it’s sort of slower it sets up why these three men are going to come together, right? So first for me with when you’re looking at a sheriff, and a boat captain, and then you know, the marine biologist who’s coming in to sort of like be there, or consultant, if you will, right, the expert. They’re all very different kinds of people. They have very different backgrounds. And so it was really interesting to me from a workplace perspective to think about, like, all the teams I’ve been on, or, you know, watch teams be formed. Three could not be more different. And actually a fun fact, that Karen Hunter shared with us is that, you know, two of the actors actually despised each other. Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfus didn’t even like each other in real life. So I think the biggest thing to me is that not only can you take three really different characters and bring them together for sort of some greatness, and you know, a successful outcome, but to take two actors who don’t even like each other, who actually really strongly dislike each other. And yet they were able to come and work together in such a way that it created one of the biggest blockbusters of all time. So to me, that’s kind of the biggest work takeaway, I guess, I don’t know, what about you what really stood out?
Steve 6:04
Yeah, if I had to pick one thing, you know, rather than sort of go chronologically through the movie, but the biggest thing for me would be that team, that three person team that was assembled from really diverse backgrounds, and if we really want to equate it to like real kind of workplace in HR, you really had a regular full time employee, right? The sheriff worked for the town, you had like a gig economy worker, right? a contractor if you will, right, Quint the captain, they hired basically for a bounty for $10,000 to go kill this shark. And then you had kind of like a, maybe an intern slash volunteer, depending on how you want to define and it’s not totally clear, but Hooper, marine biologist doesn’t work for the town. He doesn’t work for Quint. He’s just got someone who’s got expertise, who’s going to lend their expertise to this mission, I don’t think they were paying him. And so you know, it’s just different. Wasn’t like, okay, we’ve got to go put up a job posting, if you will, and hire somebody to go help us kill this shark course there wasn’t time, right, because the end, the basic plot of the movie is we’re coming up on July 4 weekend, in this resort town that’s relying on the beaches and beaches being open, and people flocking for summer vacations, and then then going to the local businesses and restaurants, etc, etc. That’s what keeps the town afloat, like many beach towns, and it’s a couple of days before July 4, and we’ve got this crazy person eating shark out in the water that we need to do something about. So that to me was a big thing, like bringing this team together from really diverse backgrounds in 1975. Trish, no one talked about the gig economy. It was not, I assure people, it was not mentioned in this movie once. But that’s kind of what happened here to solve a problem that the organization had, in this case, the town.
Trish 7:50
I love that you mentioned that because I hadn’t even thought of it in that regard at all. So I think that’s what’s fun about these movies is that when you really start looking at many of the movies we watch, we pick up on different things as to how that might actually work in the workplace today. So yeah, you’re right, he was a complete gig worker, and quite a character. And I will say this maybe to extend on that is, when you have a team that’s very diverse like that, where you might have some sort of the full time employee versus, you know, an intern versus a gig worker, it wasn’t clear moment to moment sometimes of who the leader was. And that’s one of the comments like I made a note on is, what happens if you don’t have a sort of a designated lever leader, each one and different portions of the, you know, sort of going after the shark had to take that lead position. And it was sometimes a fight over who was going to get my way. Right. So I think too, that happens in the workplace, you know, you might have someone with a title of a leader, but really, there’s so many other factors and personality that come into play of who actually leads the team to success or to failure, right? Because there were several times where this was not going to go well.
Steve 8:59
Yeah, that’s a good point. Because you got this quote, unquote, cross functional team of three persons coming together with with one mission and one mission only go kill this shark. And it’s unclear, as you said, who the leader is. And I guess that can happen in organizations as well, especially when it’s really kind of in vogue right now to talk about work being series of projects and not so much tied to job descriptions anymore. And in organizations trying to be more agile and bring together folks from different parts of the organizations to work on certain initiatives to have an understanding of like, Who is the person in charge here? I mean, I do think it’s important. It’s important to have someone in charge but it’s also important to recognize when someone else has expertise that maybe you the person in charge does not have right that you’re willing to accede a little bit of the control right and decision making even to that expert because these three folks on this team are so wildly different but are bringing each one bringing strengths to the table, which are completely different from what the other individuals strengths are.
Trish 10:01
They were. I found, too, that when they were doing that, and sort of kind of oscillating between the three of who was sort of in charge in the moment, there was sometimes quite a bit of pushback. And I wrote down that, you know, how do you define like when, when to move to a different leaders opinion, for example, or, or even to abort a mission, right? Whether it’s a work project or to something like, there weren’t always clear lines in the movie of, you know, they have like, disagreements on which way was going to be the correct approach. And things were changing constantly, once the shark was sort of, kind of really prevalent in the movie. And things were changing just minute to minute, it really reminds us kind of like how we’re working now, right? Where we have a lot of unknown factors with how work is going to continue. We constantly have to be more agile, we hear this from every organization we talked to big and small. And I don’t know, it really played out in that, you know, in that last half hour of the movie, I thought of just that how those decisions get made. And sometimes the level of pushback you have to have on someone in order to be heard.
Steve 11:11
Yeah, the internal dynamics between this three person team going out there to kill the shark. That’s the crux of the movie. It’s the most interesting part of the movie, probably too. And it’s kind of the most directly, maybe relevant to some of the things that people deal with in workplaces today. But I thought Also, if you step back to the first half of the movie really great, because going out to kill the shark is kind of the second half of the movie. The first half of the movies kind of run up, I thought it was interesting, again, in kind of a leadership theme of was very unclear in this town who is really in charge, right? Because right at the beginning of the movie, we it’s a couple days before Fourth of July, the sharks out there and gets the first victim. I think it was maybe a kid on a surfboard or something. And maybe there’s chaos, and there’s fear. And there’s a hastily assembled meeting, leadership meeting of all the constituencies from the town. So the mayor, the sheriff, the business owners, maybe just concerned citizens, etc. And even in that meeting, right, they can’t figure out, the sheriff wants to close the beaches, right? Because he thinks they’re not safe right now. And but no one’s really sure if he can do that. Right. No one’s sure who’s in charge, right. And so at a crucial organizational juncture, right, the decision right there, open, keep the beaches open or close them. That was a really important decision for that beach, and that town and those people, and no one really knew for a while, who was able to make that decision, which I thought was also kind of telling.
Trish 12:34
Yeah, I think that’s very real, though it lots of times in organizations, you don’t really know who’s I mean, you have a CEO, but really, like decisions get made all throughout, you know, different levels of leadership. And sometimes the person who’s trying to make the decision doesn’t have all the information, like, I guess, watching that I was sort of thinking like, Oh, I guess it’s the mayor, that’s going to make this decision about right, the overall viability of the town and how Fourth of July is handled, and obviously, in a lot of money, potentially, to be made. But, you know, the sheriff was new to the town. That was the other factor, he was new to the town. So he didn’t have this established, you know, maybe if he had been there 20 years, people would have, of course, we’re gonna listen to the sheriff. Right? What was interesting, and this happens all the time at work. He knows this information that someone’s been killed by a shark, he’s trying frantically to get signs made to close the beach. And yet he must have I mean, no fewer than at least 10 different people coming up interrupting him in his ear about their tiny little problem. Now, granted, they don’t know that there’s a shark on the loose or whatever. But that’s that happen. It’s like, you know, I think about this a lot with with HR leaders, because, you know, when you talk maybe sometimes to sales teams for vendors, right, they’re calling to try and sell something to an HR person, for example, to fix one, one slice of what that HR leader has to deal with, or what any business leader has to deal with, quite honestly, you know, like, oh, we’re gonna call and tell you this ATS, that HR leader probably has some other huge thing on his or her plate, that you know that no one else knows nothing about like that. They’re really stressed about right, maybe payrolls gone completely sideways, or maybe they’re being sued for something or so again, it just was really relatable in that, you know, here’s the sheriff and he’s just trying to get the job done and save lives. But yet, he’s got all these other people like, Oh, my shop needs, this happened. And you know, and what was it the Boy Scouts or, you know, doing sessions such it’s like, it was all such trivial portions of his day, but he had to somehow figure out how to push back.
Steve 14:45
And yeah, it reminds me on the tech space anyway. And you may be interested in even internal organizations, it’s important to remember that Yeah, sure, the customer’s always right. In this case, the customers were the citizens of the town right for the sheriff, but not all customers. Problems are the same, right? Or equally important and not even just that their problems aren’t the same. But not all customers are the same. That’s just the truth of it right? Like your your biggest clients just by the nature of their size are your most important ones and your most important constituencies inside of the organization are that way as well. That’s a good note. Let’s take a quick reset Trish, if you will.
Steve 15:22
This is the HR Happy Hour Show with Steve and Trish, we are talking workplace movie hall of fame 1975 Jaws, blockbuster movie, lots of fun workplace themes that we’re covering. But let’s thank our sponsor Trish. Of course, we are sponsored by our friends at Paychex one of the leading providers of HR, payroll, retirement and Insurance Solutions for businesses of all sizes. More than half of businesses with 10 to 500 employees, they the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine is causing them to start or start planning their return to the workplace. If you’re thinking about instituting a vaccination policy, and lots of organizations are right in the middle of this, you can download Paychex latest ebook titled managing COVID-19 vaccinations and the return to work to learn about key considerations for developing your policy as well as important health and safety measures for establishing a safe and productive return to work. You can go to pa slash ebook dash vaccines to download your copy of the ebook today. So check that out. And many thanks to Paychex for continuing to support the community through what’s been a crazy year and a half. That’s for sure.
Trish 16:33
Yeah, so so crazy. And I’ll tell you we’ve personally in our business used many of the resources that Paychex have put out there. So thank you, sincerely, as people who really do use those resources, they’re doing a great job of kind of put it all in one place for people.
Steve 16:48
So we’re out on the boat Trish, the three person team is out on this boat and they begin to encounter difficulties.
Trish 16:56
They do. I tell you what, Steve, I almost don’t want to talk about it. I mean, obviously, we will. So because you always tease me, we can’t have a spoiler alert for a movie that’s, you know,
Steve 17:07
45 years old!
Trish 17:12
Kind of you can right, because for me, like I said I didn’t remember. I obviously knew the shark. I knew the music. That’s about all I remembered. And I’m sitting there with my daughter watching this, you know, this end of this movie. I’m like screaming. I’m like, startled and like, it’s crazy. And I did not remember how it ended at all. So yeah, it was it’s a very, I don’t know, just surprising ending to a movie. For me, it’s I don’t know how much you want to share. I’ll leave that to you. But one thing I will mention in the in the last 30 minutes of the movie that that really struck me was, again, we’re back to the three people who are trying to you know, catch the shark, kill the shark, get the shark, whatever they’re trying to do. It seems to change moment to moment, the amount of trust they had to have with each other. And what starts happening when that trust breaks down because Quint, the the sea captain, I feel like he starts losing it. Right. He starts busting up their communication. You know, radio, I don’t even understand why he did that.
Steve 18:19
Well, it becomes a difference of opinion amongst the three person team ended the sheriff who was set up as a character being the most level headed, the most pragmatic, kind of, you know, just even keeled kind of character, probably amongst the three. I think he comes to the conclusion that, hey, we’re not equipped to handle this job. We don’t have the right equipment, we don’t have the right skills. The job’s too big for us. In this case, the shark is really getting the upper hand consistently on these three guys in the boat, the boats taking on damage, etc. The sheriff wants to radio for help, essentially. And Quint at this point is now obsessed with this mission. And I don’t think it has anything to do with money or anything to do with that it’s more that he’s decided that this job completing this job and being successful at it is more important than anything else decides to bust up the radio equipment such that they are truly out there on their own because they’re pretty far out to sea. I guess I don’t know exactly how far but far now were smashing up that radio means they’re in this is 1975 to no one’s no one’s got a cell phone on this boat, right? So they, they’re on their own essentially. And so then that’s when we start to see some of the team dynamics breaking down in that real moment of stress and I guess a good allegory or a good lesson back to our own organizations that I look, we’re not most of us right are not in life or death situations at work. That’s very, very few of us are, but those are not fixed can get testy things can get really heated. There can be tons of pressure. Like so forget the shark trying to kill us and destroy our boat. That’s your biggest client who’s at risk of going to competitor, and which will maybe destroy your business if you lose them. But there’s almost similar levels of pressure there too. And real workplaces?
Trish 20:08
I would agree, right? If you lose a client, and it’s your client, I mean, that might be your whole book of business or a majority of it, and then you lose your job. So yeah, it can absolutely be life and death in that way, I think to at that point, you know, the shark is a good representation of sort of all of those things that are out there, because at that point, the shark wasn’t necessarily going to kill them. I didn’t think because they could have that, that they had that choice, right, they could have stopped and gone back at that point. The boat was really old and rickety to begin with, which that’s a whole nother, I was thinking again, I’m trying to think of it in terms of what we do. And I’m thinking like, Oh, yeah, imagine an organization that has like the most outdated technology possible, right, you’ve got some 20 year old technology, you’re trying to cobble together to get a big job done. That boat had holes in it to begin with something like that is a perfect example of you know, you that you really struggle, right, if you don’t invest in the proper equipment, or the job, or the time, you’re starting out like way, way behind, right?
Steve 21:16
I didn’t really think of that potential. But that’s a great point. Because I think a lot of times in organizations, we tend to perfect examples, payroll, I’ll mention it I you know, and not to our friends at Paychex, I’ve been in organizations where they had really old and antiquated payroll systems, buggy, really just not user friendly. But the company’s two organizations, I’m thinking of had payroll managers and payroll leaders, who had been with the organization for decade plus maybe two decades, right. They were very long term experts. And just, they knew they knew of any payroll, of course, but they knew how to make this awful system kind of get the job done. And the organization relied on them so heavily to do it. And usually, when I was there, things worked out, right. But they didn’t work out because the technology they worked out, because the organization can count on these people with this incredible expertise. And we see a little bit of that here in this movie, too. Right? As you said, The boat is the old and rickety. It’s got holes in it, it’s probably underpowered trying to out run a shark, right, because they tried to do that at one point. And, but their mission, if you will, is relying on the expertise of the three person team who are pretty capable, but all three of them in different ways sure to try to overcome that. And they kind of do but kind of don’t. Right, as we learn in the movie gets towards its end.
Trish 22:40
Right? Yeah. I mean, obviously, if you’d put them in a new boat, a bigger boat, there wouldn’t have been no story. Yeah, right. It would have been an easier task to go out there, locate the shark, tie it up, do whatever they need to do tranquilize it and you know, I’m stronger boat would have would have done the job. And actually, I do think that that’s pretty much what’s true. I think the other thing too, when I was thinking about that, and kind of based on what you just said was, so you have those three different experts, if you will, with with varying experience, you can hire two or three experts to come into your company. And I’ve had this happen in my career we’re coming in. So it’s like, oh, I really need you, we’re ready for you, right, we’re ready for what you know how to do. And you get there and they either don’t have the technology or they just aren’t really ready for change. So just because you hire a consultant, a team of experts, a new hire whatever it is, it doesn’t mean that you’re going to be successful if you don’t back it up with the technology, or with the tools they need. Because just because someone’s been successful, like in that case, just because they had successfully captured other big sharks didn’t mean they were going to get that shark with those with that specific set of circumstances and tools.
Steve 23:54
Yeah, that’s a really good point. Because we see in one scene where the two gentlemen the sheriff and the marine biologist, visit the the captain at his headquarters, if you will, again, all you see over the walls are mounted sets of shark jaws, ostensibly from many, many sharks this, this Captain has managed to capture and kill over his career. Right? So there was definitely an element of Hey, I’ve done this before I can, I can do it again. And, and that’s great. I mean, confidence is really important, right, in work and in workplaces and in life. But I guess overconfidence is something to always be on the lookout for, particularly among more senior senior folks or more experienced folks, right, and think that they just seen it all before and can handle anything that a project might throw at them.
Trish 24:44
Yeah, I agree. I think you have to make sure you know, if you’re if you’re listening to this now and you’re thinking of your own role, or maybe someone on your team, it’s like, you have to make sure you’re tapping into those appropriate skills, but that you’re also backing it up with with sort of setting them up for success with Some of the right tools or other people around them, you know? Yeah, it’s funny. You mentioned that part of the movie because I didn’t obviously didn’t remember it. But that really struck a chord with me seeing all of the sharks, he had actually managed. I mean, it’s like, several, maybe 100. Right there. Yeah. over the walls, they were everywhere, right? All the teeth, the big jaws. And the other one that kind of stood out to me in that movie worth is, is something that happens all the time in workplaces, which is where when they finally then they decide they’re going to do this together, they get on the boat, but yet they don’t really all know each other. Well, they don’t really necessarily believe they all have experience. I think the marine biologist and the sheriff now realize that the sea captain has the experience. But he’s, the captain doesn’t really know if these other two are going to be you know, and they’re sharing, they’re sharing and showing scars.
Trish 25:48
Remember that? Like the, the sea captain is kind of sharing the big scar where he’s been bitten by a shark on his leg. And the marine biologist is doing the same thing. And I think, again, this is really special, too, because those two actors hated each other. So in my, in my head, I’m thinking like, Oh, my God, they really didn’t even like each other. But that scene was really powerful to me, because it’s sort of like, when you first get a new team together, you do kind of have to do a little bit of like, Oh, yeah, here’s what I can do, or here’s what I’ve hear my scars. And then the other person’s like, Oh, yeah, well, I’ve done that too. And one up you and here’s my scars. And then the sheriff knows what was interesting to me. The sheriff kind of raises up his shirt, he’s off to the side. So he’s seeing these other two kind of positioning, right, how expert they are. And he raises up his shirt. And you can see he’s clearly got a scar from from being bit by a shark at some point. He doesn’t mention it. Just slowly. Do you remember that part in the movie just slow, like, puts his shirt down and doesn’t say a word. And so, again, I was like, really struck like, Oh, my gosh, how often does that happen? Where I’ve done that, where I’ll listen to two other people just posturing about how great they are and how smart they are. And then I think like, okay, I’ve, I’ve done way more than that. I there was one recently where someone was like, you know, oh, this person thinks they’re so great. And they’ve got all this experience and all this exposure and thing, like, yeah, I’ve probably got a lot more than them, but I’m gonna keep my mouth shut.
Steve 27:18
Yeah, I like that, too. And I’d even maybe, I know, we’re, we do sometimes have to stretch the workplace connections to some of these movies, but I’ll even stretch it just a bit further to say, you know, when they decide to hire Quint, there’s no part of the movie where anybody asked Quint for a resume, or to fill out an application. Like all those shark jobs all over the walls of his building. He mentioned that here you go, here are my credentials, right. And I think that’s an interesting comparison. Or we can maybe make one even to today where a trying to find the talent you need in non traditional ways, and not necessarily relying on traditional ways of identifying, evaluating and assessing talent, like the shark jaws on the wall. That’s my resume. So there you go. Right. The no further discussion necessary.
Trish 28:01
You know what, that I hadn’t thought of that. But that is true. I think that now, yes, people do still have resumes. But I can tell you, I haven’t had a resume in years.
Steve 28:11
I’d be offended if someone asked me to give them a resume, no one’s asking me for a resume. But I’d be offended if someone asked me for one. I don’t have one.
Trish 28:19
I will tell you, I do remember my last corporate job, where they came to me it was funny, they they like came to me because of like everything they knew I did and all my body of work that’s visible very publicly. But then like for the interview portion, it was like, Oh, we need your resume. I’m like, a No, no, just No. Yeah, that’s it. The answer is no. So yeah, I think that you’re right. I will say to you know, we’re getting ready to close a big survey, we’ve been working on the last two months on accessibility. And part of that, and we’re going to talk about it going forward is around how different people have to interview differently, they have to be approached differently. And so that’s just another good example, like someone might not have a resume, someone might not have the skills to even make a resume. Right. So what can we be doing? Like if you had told that ship captain like, Oh, you have to have a resume to get the job to write, he would not have been capable? Period, he just wouldn’t be able to do that. Right. But the shark teeth on the wall was the resume. So like, I love that idea of we hadn’t really thought of it that way. But what if someone doesn’t have those skills to participate in joining your organization in a traditional sense? What are we doing as the leadership of those companies to really think outside the box?
Steve 29:33
If you’re truly going to look to diversify the organization in a meaningful way. You’ve got to diversify the way you find attract and engage with people. You just have to it’s just definitionally correct. It’s, it might even be math. I don’t know. I’m not good at math. I won’t, but I that’s the equation to me. Just the last thing for me. My very last point I would like to make was not so much a workplace thing, but a really apt movie to watch and it 75 movie that was kind of apt to watch might have been better to watch last year in 2020, but still relevant. Fortunately, there were very clear COVID comparisons in this movie basically, the the mayor and the business people pushing in the citizens, while many of them pushing really hard to keep the beaches open. When right experts quote unquote, namely the marine biologist and the sheriff at that point, not so much the captain, were really advising, hey, this is not safe. This is a very dangerous situation, we need to close the beaches. And that tension between one side and the other. But we’ve seen that here in the US for sure, for a year and a half almost now. And a good anyway, I thought it was interesting boy back, it’s the same story, right? The shark is COVID. Right? And everybody else is dealing with it back here the way it was, I couldn’t help but thinking about that while watching this movie again.
Trish 30:49
I love that. I didn’t even think of that. This is why these movies are fun. And that’s why like, even if you do this offline on your own with someone that you work with, like pick a movie and start dissecting because like the things that the other person comes up with. I never thought of that. And you’re so right. You’re so right. What a great thing. Great movie.
Steve 31:08
Very good movie. My only disappointment in this movie. And it’s a small one is having to pay $3.99 to rent this movie for 48 hours.
Trish 31:19
We both jokingly, like complained about that on the WORK BREAK the other day, and I was serious. I was like, I don’t want to watch it. I want to pay $4 for something that, you know, which is so silly. Right. But no, I mean, you’re right. But I will say it was absolutely worth it.
Steve 31:34
Yeah. And then you can find it on Amazon Prime. That’s where I found it and maybe some other places as well. So yeah, I loved it. I’m glad we did. This is perfect for summer perfect for July 4 a good kinda kind of, in addition to our workplace movie hall of fame series, I think and we’ll have to start thinking about the next one. Trish, I don’t know what it is.
Trish 31:52
So, I think we should go the whole Richard Dreyfus route. I’m just gonna throw this out there. Two years later, he made Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
Steve 32:02
I love it. He had a little run didn’t he? I didn’t look it up. But I’ll bet Close Encounters might have been the top movie of that year, maybe as well.
Trish 32:12
And probably, but that was either that or if you did something like E.T. because I’d love to sort of have a space spin on how like how the researchers come together and make decisions. And again, a really unknown kind of just here. That’s the difference right here was a very known threat. And we’ve done Twister before, right? That was a known type of threat. A shark is a known type of threat versus like aliens. I don’t know many to think about that doesn’t have to be close encounters, but just something. Let’s look for a movie with an unknown. Right. And I think that’s maybe more where the COVID comparison even gets stronger. Right? Where are you where you really don’t know there isn’t necessarily data.
Steve 32:51
I would say after a while again, we’ve got about halfway into 2020 we knew it was out there. We kind of knew the threat was out there but I’m just glad you didn’t suggest Mr. Holland’s Opus as a Richard Dreyfus because Mr. Holland is awful. And if we talk about that movie, I’m going to destroy Mr. Holland. So with that said, with that said Trish, let’s thank everybody for listening. I love doing workplace movie hall of fame is already a perfect movie for kind of summer long weekend. So hope you guys enjoyed it. Thanks to our friends at Paychex, of course for all their help and support and check out all the resources available there. And we will see you next time everything on, subscribe to the show. Tell a friend and thanks so much for listening. We’ll see you next time.
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