The Power of Storytelling in the Workplace
Hosted by

Steve Boese
Co-Founder and Chief Data Officer of H3 HR Advisors and Program Chair, HR Technology Conference

Trish Steed
Co- Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, H3 HR Advisors
About this episode
The Power of Storytelling in the Workplace
Hosts: Steve Boese, Trish Steed
Guest: Melanie Steinbach, Chief People Officer, MasterClass
This episode of At Work in America is sponsored by Paychex, one of the leading providers of HR, payroll, retirement, and insurance solutions for businesses of all sizes. After years of being in survival mode amidst a global pandemic, HR leaders have been challenged to get back to business — ushering in the era of the dynamic workplace. In our 7th Annual Pulse of HR Report, find out how these leaders are optimizing the work experience regardless of where it’s done, addressing widening generational gaps, and increasing productivity not just for their employees, but also themselves. Visit to check it out today.
This week we met with Melanie Steinbach from MasterClass to talk about the benefits of using storytelling in leadership development.
– The development of MasterClass at Work
– Importance of personal stories in leadership and learning
– Advice for HR leaders in how to incorporate storytelling in the workplace
– Developing essential workplace skills
Thank you for joining the show today! Remember to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts!
Transcript follows:
Announcer 0:00
Welcome to At Work in America sponsored by Paychex. At Work in America digs in behind the headlines and trends to the stories of real people making a difference in the world of work. And now here are your hosts Steve Boese and Trish Steed.
Steve 0:24
Welcome back to the At Work in America show. We have a great show today, we have a super topic and wonderful guests waiting in the wings. Trish, how are you today? Great to see you. This is gonna be a fun show!
Trish 0:33
Yes, it’s been a it’s been a busy week. So I’m actually excited to to have a show because I think we’ve been in just meeting after meeting so especially a show on the topic today which is around storytelling so I think this is going to be actually quite a treat.
Steve 0:50
Oh it’s going to be fantastic show I’m looking forward to it. I’m even Trish I’ll even tell you this. I think you might know this. But I’m taking a break from my working vacation from the beach, which is where I’m at today to do the show because I’m so excited for the show. But after the show I think I’m going out to the beach. So let’s first before we welcome our guests Trish let’s thank our friends at Paychex. This episode of At Work in America is sponsored by Paychex, one of the leading providers of HR Payroll, retirement and insurance solutions for businesses of all sizes. After three plus years of being in survival mode and emits the global pandemic HR leaders have been challenged to get back to work ushering in the era of the dynamic workplace. In Paychex 7th annual Pulse of HR report, you can find out how HR leaders are optimizing the work experience regardless of where or how work is done, addressing widening generational gaps and increasing productivity not just for their employees, but also for themselves. This is a great report. Trish, I encourage everybody to check out the Pulse of HR report. You can find it at and thanks to our friends at Paychex and Trish, teaser we’re going to be doing some more fun things with our friends at Paychex in the next few months.
Trish 2:03
We are, they are just good people not only good product, but we we really wholeheartedly believe in what they’re doing over there and really excited for the next few months with them.
Steve 2:13
Speaking of good product, you know it’s a good product, an awesome product, which we both love is MasterClass. We’re going to talk about a little bit more than just that. Of course. Our guest today is Melanie Steinbach, I call her Mel, Trish. She’s the Chief People Officer at MasterClass where she is responsible for overseeing HR strategy and operations, recruitment and culture initiatives. Prior to MasterClass, Mel most recently served as Chief People Officer at Cameo, bet there’s some great stories their favorite area. She has years of experience at the intersection of talent and business strategy in both corporate and consulting roles. Mel, welcome to the show. How are you today?
Melanie Steinbach 2:54
I am awesome. Thank you so much. I’m a little jealous, you’re at the beach, but great.
Steve 3:01
Well, I tell you what, we were chatting a little bit before the show. And if you’re in the central part of United States, at least as we record this, you’re roasting in, you know, hot beach like temperature. So I think pretty much everyone’s looking at hot temps.
Melanie Steinbach 3:15
It’s like the universe’s way to say Don’t you want a like negative 20 day, you know, negative 20 degree day, aren’t you just craving snow will will make you roast in 100 degrees. So you can like be grateful for the you know, the frigid weather that we’re sending your way in a little bit.
Steve 3:35
Trish 3:38
I was gonna say Mel knows we’re both in that St. Louis area for the most part, but I’m actually in Colorado right now. And just earlier this week, I took a little day off and went and sat in some hot springs. So that’ll just tell you like I am not enjoying the kind of hot that the Midwest isn’t joining right at the moment.
Steve 3:57
Now we want to talk about storytelling and how it relates to how it’s important for learning for leadership development and more but before we dive into some of that I think most people probably know MasterClass, but maybe if there’s someone who doesn’t or maybe needs just a little bit of an update, because MasterClass has been around for a little while. Maybe give us 90 seconds on kind of the MasterClass story a little bit and then we’ll dive into some of the storytelling conversation.
Melanie Steinbach 4:23
Yeah, well MasterClass was founded on the premise that on to like, kind of key insights. Number one, that education should be entertaining. And number two, that everyone deserves access to the best. Our founder David Roget was a really gifted student and had this, you know, has this really compelling sounding story about his grandmother and how, when she left left Europe in World War Two, the only thing she could take with her was her education. And so that really informed David’s perspective on why education is so important for everyone. And and so MasterClass was founded on this idea that how do we bring the best instructors in the world, to the most number of people, we started with a consumer experience for that, that that you’ve both gotten the opportunity to, to see and be a part of. And then several years ago, we also launched a corporate version of that and enterprise version of that call masterclass at work, where we give a little bit more structure to those classes, a little bit more kind of follow up work so that people can really personalize those learnings into the workplace. And that’s really the the part that drew me to want to be a part of this incredible company.
Trish 6:09
Well, thank you for sharing the backstory. Just as someone who’s been a customer for many, many years, even pre pandemic, I still go back and watch some of the you know, the early classes that I took my favorite kind of display is Asher, on performance. What I like about the masterclass concept is that you’re taking real professionals in their respective fields. And they’re, they’re teaching you things where you might think that me as an HR professional might not learn from Asscher right. And performance. But but you do, right. So I would love to even hear a little bit about, you know, you mentioned sort of this this corporate MasterClass at Work. How does that look different from maybe the experience that Steve and I have had, because then when when COVID came, we went all in, and we took many, many courses. But I’d love to hear just kind of some of the differences because I’m not sure I know what those are.
Melanie Steinbach 7:01
Yeah, well, so I mean, so think about your own personal experience. But you know, when when you watch the class, you’re learning a lot about like, presentation skills, honestly. Right? And so what we’ve done in the MasterClass at Work, product is that, okay, we’re throughout our entire library is this like collection of presentation skills, it’s not just going to be like, you know, someone teaching you how to use like PowerPoint or Google Slides, right, it’s going to be Usher talking about that it’s going to be Steve Martin, talking about, like, how he comes up with a, you know, comedic bit, it is going to be you know, some of the politicians on our, on our platform, talking about how when they had to present, you know, really challenging issues to the public, or to a cabinet or whatever, how they handled that, how they prepared for that. And so, we, on the master class at work side, we really are scanning our entire library to say, Hey, where are those snippets, right, like resilience, like, we don’t teach a class on resilience, we have Steph Curry talking about when he’s like, you know, college recruitment, didn’t go as he planned, and how he, you know, kind of came from that we have, like, so many of these origin stories of these fabulous artists are really stories of resilience, right? And so we, we pull all of those together into the master class at work side. And then you have this, like, incredible variety and diversity of stories that that people really connect with.
Trish 8:46
Yeah, thank you. You’re right. I think too, it makes it so much easier. When you hear all of the people you just mentioned, for example, Their story is what actually helps you relate those skills that they’re talking about having or have have gained, earned, right, whatever it may be, how you can apply that to your own career, your own personal life, and really apply it in a very different way than you might have. If you just took a class like you said on how to do a PowerPoint maybe yeah, so yeah, much more impactful I think that way totally.
Steve 9:20
Now maybe we can even talk about just the importance of delivering or developing learning content or development content in this fashion compared to say right you’ve got you’ve been an HR Chief People Officer for a while right before MasterClass to write. Maybe discuss just a little bit about how how, thinking about learning and thinking about presenting content in a more storytelling fashion actually helps the learner and helps a by extension helps the organization.
Melanie Steinbach 9:51
Yes. I’m so passionate about this. So, here’s the story. Like literally here’s the story. We start learning as kids through stories. Why? Because they’re more memorable, honestly, like, you know, we don’t tell kids like, you know, don’t get lost in the woods, we tell them the story of Hansel and Gretel and leaving breadcrumbs and like how important that is, right? We don’t say, here is the alphabet, you really need to learn it to read, we teach them a song, right? We teach them a song to learn that, you know, we teach them rhymes, to remember certain things I before E, except after C, right? We are using all of these entertainment concepts to help our most our earliest learnings become really sticky. And, and somewhere along our journey, we decide that that is no longer applicable. And in my experience, is that it’s actually more applicable as, as an adult, right, as an adult, you have so much information coming at you all the time, the overwhelm is real, the information kind of overload is, is real. And you might not be able to like, pull out a specific factor data point, but you’re gonna be like, Wait, hold on, I remember this story that Bob Iger was saying in this class where he like, was deciding whether or not to you know, invest in Pixar or not, or whatever. And, and then all of a sudden, you’re like, Okay, this is maybe a way that I can go through and, and use that framework for my own decision making. So So for me, when and I’ve had the opportunity to run leadership development programs for the past decade.
Melanie Steinbach 11:49
And the thing that we found in those previous roles that were I was doing it was that to two key insights. Number one, like hearing actual, other people call them case studies, you know, but I would say like stories of other companies of how they have handled that really helped people understand, we’re not alone in this, other people have solved it. Oh, that was an interesting approach that maybe I wouldn’t have thought I’d write it gives it so much of that really interesting context, that makes it more real to them. And then secondly, the other thing is really personalizing the learning to the company. So, you know, I previously worked for McDonald’s and, and for McDonald’s, we chose a lot of, of companies, when we were kind of doing this, you know, bringing people in to teach our leaders, we went down two paths, we either looked at like other global brown brands, and how they had managed through different, you know, challenges. And then we looked at other restaurants. And we like, it might surprise you. But we looked at like a lot of fine dining, because buying dining has a tremendous amount of like really to, you know, needing to deliver consistency day after day, which is the thing that McDonald’s is really known for and, and is wonderful app. And when we had those chefs, and those, those restaurant owners tell those stories about it. And it was I still get a lot of outreach from folks that participated in all of those classes about how much they like continued to utilize that learning.
Trish 13:45
Yeah, those are such good examples tomorrow, because I think that, as you were talking, I’m thinking about what you’re describing is really attaching a motion to the learning. You know, it is important that it’s personal. But there’s also there’s an emotional level to it. And I think if you’re if you’re just reading a typical case study, that might be the component that’s lacking is that personal emotional tie to something and that’s where telling it as a story, versus just a statement of facts, which is sometimes what a case study can be, is, is sort of that element that that will make it sticky, right. So you’re telling stories, right from McDonald’s talking about fine dining. I mean, as you’re telling these I’m thinking back to many of these MasterClasses I’ve watched and if I had to say what the threat is, it is that sort of emotional connection. I felt to that person. How do you go about sort of deciding who gets to be these instructor like is instructor the right word? I don’t cook Yeah. Instructor teachers instructors, right.
Melanie Steinbach 14:48
I know. I know. Yeah. We call them instructors. And I love that you make that point Trish because, again, you know, like I talked about like we know that this works. for free, when we’re young, and then somewhere along the way, we decide that it is like no longer applicable for, for adults. And, and I think a lot of that is like Western culture has kind of taught us, you know, work isn’t personal and you should you know, unemotional leadership and all of this kind of stuff. And that is, you know, we’ve seen through the pandemic, even that that is falling out of favor. And now it is bring your whole self to work and vulnerability is really having a moment and, you know, this idea of, you know, being a well rounded leader and, and not just, you know, being able to strategize and execute, but also to really, like, be empathetic, and a really wonderful like people leader is, is becoming more and more important, and what you said about the way that you connect with those masterclasses and those instructors, it is very intentional, it is based on neuroscience, which is that if you can connect a motion to a to a fact to a, you know, a learning it, it increases the retention of that learning. And so and so that is that’s really a philosophical or kind of like foundational element to all of our all of our classes at master class, but I would tell you on the consumer side, as well as the the master class at work side, and even, you know, for some of the amazing CEOs that we have on our platform, you know, we’re having them tell the emotional stories for the first time, you know, we just released melody Hobsons class, you know, Melody is, she runs like this giant hedge fund in in Chicago. She’s on many, many corporate boards. And she tells a story about crying when like, when work was really, really like during the global financial crisis, when Ariel was losing clients, and she talks about crying and not crying alone, but crying with the the founder of Ariel about this. And I don’t know that she’s ever told that story before. But But I will tell you, it made me see her in this. I like see her as this super woman, she is someone I, you know, I admire greatly. I admire her even more now knowing that story about her.
Trish 17:49
Yeah, I think that makes sense. And you’re right. It’s even having gone through a number of these classes. Steve, I’d love to hear what you think about this, too. I just feel like I wasn’t making that connection about why I liked them so much. And it is the emotional side. And I’ll tell you what, I mean, I worked in as an HR professional, almost 20 years, and did a lot with learning and development and corporate universities and everything. I never, I can’t think of any time where a team of colleagues and I sat down and talked about tying emotion to learning. And and thank you so much for sharing the bit about the neuroscience behind the importance of that. Steve, I don’t know, have you has that come up in your career in HR as what, like, any connection there?
Steve 18:31
Yeah, not enough, probably. And I totally resonate with what you’re talking about. Now. In fact, oddly enough, I had written down and, you know, prep for the show just now. I was like, oh me, let me recall a few of the master classes that I’ve taken that really I remember really well and I really enjoyed and I just written down the name Bob Iger before you brought him up in your comments, which was fascinating. But I want to ask a question Mal and maybe you talked about some of the work you did in McDonald’s and leadership development. Of course, you’re working at masterclass and masterclasses delivering this fantastic content for learning and for development with storytelling is really the backbone or the through line. Do you have any just thoughts or advice let’s say my organization I don’t know we’re industrial were technical maybe we need to bring in people and give very straightforward technical training maybe as part of an onboarding or just part of hey, this is how this bit of machinery works or this is how this process works. When the materials kind of dry and practice that emotional connection is difficult to find. Are there ways we can or people who are listening to the show can think well how can we improve our content so that people retain it people engage with it a little bit more? And then we get the outcomes that we want when maybe the that emotional angle say the crying at the hedge fund is not really clickable.
Melanie Steinbach 19:55
Totally so let me like I really leaves that, like, I’m trying to think of, there are probably some things that like for very, very technical training, maybe a story is not going to be the right way to go. Right? Like I’m thinking about, like, if you want to learn some shortcuts and excel or something like, a story isn’t the right thing, although I could tell you a lot of stories about me and excel, because we are not friends. But, but I would. But I would say like, in the examples that you that you gave there, Steve, you know, one of the most incredible ways to, to kind of get that your audience’s attention, or, you know, the the classrooms attention, or whatever it is to tell the story of your own learning. Right? If you were up there teaching about this piece of equipment, I would start with, Hey, I have been working at this company for 27 years. And 27 years ago, I looked at this piece of equipment, and I was scared. I was like, how am I ever going to be able to run this machine, it’s so big, it’s so noisy, it’s whatever. And I had this incredible mentor, who told me this one thing that like really helped me conquer my fear. And it was that that big bad machine can be, you know, turned off with the flip of a switch. And that release stayed with me. And so it really helped me address this piece of machinery and, and kind of see it in a different light. And now I’m the head of you know, all of these machines across the entire company. And I’m really excited to teach you how to use it. Boom.
Steve 21:50
Oh, yeah. I love that. That’s a great example. Yeah, thank you. That’s fantastic.
Melanie Steinbach 21:56
And that’s like, I think this idea of hey, we, you know, I am not quite sure about bring your whole self to work. But I do think there is a sense of, hey, bringing a little bit more of of your journey into your current role, bringing more of your learnings and kind of your, you know, stumbles along the way to your leadership style, and to your team. That, for me, really feels like something that we have shied away from, and that we’re now really encouraging leaders to do. And I would say, continue leaders, like leaders of the world continue to do that. Because that that’s the thing that makes your your employees want to, it really creates that connection.
Steve 22:51
Yeah, I think what I’m taking away from that example, melon, and that advice is, is the machine or the process or the Excel spreadsheet, they don’t have a story, but the people do, right? We all have stories, the instructor has a story, the learners have a story that the founders of the company, right, have a story. And if we think about that a little bit, as much, or maybe perhaps more than the equipment and the Excel spreadsheet, or whatever we’re trying to teach, quote unquote, them, that’s maybe good advice to try to interject that storytelling element in areas where maybe it’s not so apparent where we could,
Melanie Steinbach 23:28
Yeah, and I would just say, like, I’m assuming a lot of your audience and your listeners are in the, you know, the HR role. And so, they might actually be coaching a leader on how to how to lead this, you know, machine training class. And so my advice for the HR leader in that, in that example, is give that leader permission to tell tell more of the story, right? Speak to them beforehand, interview them, right? Ask them hey, how long have you been working with this piece of equipment? How long have you been great at it? How like, When can you tell me a time when like, the machine like surprised you or whatever, like working in this, you know, whatever, solicit those stories from them, like interview them. And you know, we call it on the on the MasterClass side, we call that, you know, character development. We’re, we’re trying to understand, hey, what are the stories that are really interesting and compelling, but I would tell you that any HR leader can do that. And, and then, and then play it back to to the leader. Hey, you know what, when you told me this story about learning how to use this piece of equipment for the first time, I really felt like very connected to and I think that the people in this class will two, why don’t you tell that story at the top of the class? Or whatever it is. And so that’s the role that the HR leader can play in that as well.
Trish 25:11
I think that’s such good advice, Mel, because I think so often if you’re not someone who teaches or instructs others at work very often, and you might just be more inclined to stand, stand right up and go through a process a set of steps, and think that’s going to be sufficient. I think you’re right earlier, you said that, you know, the retention of the information is greater whenever you have those stories and connections. And I love that example of just sort of helping solicit that from your people, because sometimes they’re so wrapped up in their own fear of speaking in front of their colleagues or peers. And it may be too if they tell a story that’s very personal, and maybe a little bit vulnerable, they’ll kind of see the whole room, relax, to write, and it just gets that kind of that dialogue going versus kind of an us versus the instructor feeling.
Melanie Steinbach 26:03
I think that is that’s so true. It like it really does create, like that connection between not only the instructor and the material, but the instructor and the, you know, the learners. And so I really, like I deeply believe in it, I would also say, you know, one of the things that has kind of gotten in the way, historically of people doing this is we’re so obsessed with like the time, you know, like, oh, we only have 30 minutes to teach this. And so we’re like, you know, 39 minutes and 30 seconds has to be on teaching about this material. And I can, like only do an intro for 30 seconds because then I gotta like really get to the you know, the meat of it. And, and I’ve really learned from our our creative teams at masterclass actually, like sometimes you you’ve got to go long to make the the material stick, right, we have been taught in corporate America be pithy be three bullet points has to fit on one slide, right, we’re all about like, short and sweet. And what I’ve learned from my creative colleagues here is sometimes a little length, a little room for the story to breathe, is actually the way that you make it. More, more relevant, stickier, higher retention. And my best example of this is just like, go look at some of the show your favorite shows right now, on whatever your favorite streaming platform is. And if you look at the length of the show, like, you know, everything used to have to fit into like a 3030 minute slot on primetime. But now, with streaming, like, sometimes it’s like, an episode is 37 minutes, and sometimes it’s 29 minutes. And sometimes it’s whatever, because they are they’re allowing the story to take the space that it needs.
Steve 28:08
Yeah, I think that’s great advice. And that resonates with us, too. Now, we’ve done a lot of these shows probably close to 600 of them now. And we sometimes they’re 22 minutes, and sometimes they’re 68 minutes, right and everything in between, depending on what we’re talking about. And I think that’s super advice. And I’d also think to like, if you’re developing that content and trying to encourage leaders or encouraged instructors, to, you know, be more open, tell more of their stories, share their personal stories, like what’s compelling that you want to keep coming back for more I can recall it with my experience with masterclass as an individual. I mean, I watched Howard Schultz talk for hours, right and hours about leadership because it was so compelling and I was ready for the next, you know, the next story or the next you know, a chapter right in his story, right. And it was, I didn’t care how long it was right? It was so yeah.
Melanie Steinbach 29:04
Well, I I think that it’s both and on that one Steve honestly like I think there’s there there are some instructors and stories that we want to be able to tell you know, across six hours certainly during the pandemic when people couldn’t do anything else they were like, Why six, how about eight you know, but now here we are back to our busy lives and and trying to to connect in you know, in person with people as well. And and I think that we at masterclass are saying Okay, are there stories that we can tell in shorter form that that resonate with people also, and and as I was talking about earlier, right, are there like, key lessons that we can kind of grab from a multitude of classes, put them together so that people can can maybe say Hey, I like I do want to learn this and I want it to, to be sticky, but I only have eight minutes, or I only have, you know, 30 minutes or whatever, I’m going to listen to it rather than watch it on my way to the office. And so I like I want it to be just the audio. And so we’ve had to really play with the format as well to make sure that we can meet people where we are. I mean, you, you heard me say, right, we had these two founding principles on entertainment. Education should be entertaining, and everyone deserves to learn from the best. Never in our founding principles, did we say and that should only be in six hour classes, you know? Like the length of it didn’t really matter to us at all. And and it’s really when you use those two, then you can say, Okay, well, if everyone deserves to learn from the best, how do I make this available to a frontline worker? Who has five minutes? Right, like, because they certainly deserve to learn from the best. That’s like, I’ve got a real bee in my bonnet on that one. Right. Yeah.
Steve 31:09
Which is really going to make that more compelling as well to the folks who are really thinking, Hey, I’ve got learning and development and leadership development challenges and opportunities in my organization. We’ve got to be able to do we got to be able to offer folks content formats that are flexible that will meet them where they are, as you said not at the beginning of the pandemic which is certainly when I dove into MasterClass like many people did. Right. I had eight hours right to listen to Howard Schultz like an hour a day no problem. But yeah, that’s certainly a great great approach right for folks in in especially in the corporate setting. I think by the last thing from us is I would encourage look, this is not like you know, this is an unsolicited opinion. Trish turned me on to MasterClass originally. I loved it we spent so much time on it. I highly recommend it. Absolutely. But for folks who on the especially on the corporate side now who are most of the folks listening to this or HR people leadership people development people, maybe some some advice for them and certainly have them Where can they learn more about MasterClass at Work? Yeah, so
Melanie Steinbach 32:22
Well, I would say you can reach out to me to anyone at our team at MasterClass if you come on to our website there’s a you know, there’s a space for you to learn about masterclass at work. And, and we are you know, we are so excited about this as a company that any literally anyone at masterclass can talk to you about it, I would say, you know, my email is Like, send me an email, and I will get you connected to the right people. But we are, you know, we have some incredible incredible instructors coming, where we’ve really been now shooting those classes with this idea of both the, like, the enterprise learner as well as the consumer learner. And so I think that we’re only getting going on this journey. And so I think it’s a it’s a really great time for everyone to jump on board. Can I just say one thing, though, like, honestly, we have had this like, really interesting time in HR over the past three years. It’s been, it’s been really hard to be a people leader. And I would say even if you don’t get masterclass at work for your company, I really hope you do, like, take that take the time to invest in it for yourself. It’s, it’s $10 a month and on the consumer side. It’s so worth it to invest in yourself, you know, like, the lessons you will be able to share with your teams, with the other leaders. It’s just gonna like add this extra toolkit. We have been so stretched over the past three years, I like I’m feeling for all of my HR brethren out there and I am just like, do yourself that like this is a little bit of like professional self care for yourself. They’re great stories. They’re told beautifully. They are like gorgeous to watch, like, give yourself this little gift. I think regardless of if, if it’s going to work for your company, we hope it does. We believe it works for every company, but do that for yourself.
Steve 34:57
Yeah, I’d second that as well. I thought they were I think they’re Great, I’ve loved them. We could do a whole nother show just about what was our favorite ones and things like that. You know, we’ve talked about it before, but it’s a great product, a great service and highly recommended for me for sure.
Trish 35:13
And I think you know, Mel, you’re right. It has been a tough three years for HR leaders and just HR professionals in general. And sometimes we need a little inspiration. And what I love is that I can sit down and watch one, maybe on home and lifestyle or design or writing or you mentioned sports, right? Who doesn’t want Steph Curry giving you a pep talk about how to do something and be more passionate about it, you know? So it doesn’t have to be there are many, many business courses, right as well. But it does not have to be in order to give you that little bit of inspiration to go back to your workplace and try something new or think about a problem differently. And I think that’s, that would probably be my biggest takeaway. And I always sought not to do the ones that I think I would be expected to learn from. I was trying to learn from people that I wouldn’t normally have thought I could learn something and I absolutely took took multiple lessons away from each instructor that I participated with.
Steve 36:16
Mel, thank you so much. It’s been great to have you. I think that we had a great experience with MasterClass and we hope that many folks check it out both for their person personal use as well as for their their company. Mel, thanks so much for joining us today. It’s great to meet you.
Melanie Steinbach 36:36
I loved it. Thank you so much for having me. I hope you both have great days. And I hope that we get to talk again soon.
Steve 36:45
That’s great awesome. Thanks Mel Steinbach from MasterClass Trish good stuff. I loved it. I love the stories. I’m gonna go back and watch I wrote down some of those. I’ll tell you my favorite one was now you’re still here you can you can come in if you want. Chris Voss on negotiation was probably my absolute favorite one that I took back when I took a couple years ago now but man I love that one.
Melanie Steinbach 37:06
It was amazing. And by the way, so much applicability to to the workplace with how he’s you know, talks about gives you all of those techniques for negotiation. But since we’re sharing I mean I love a lot of our instructors I personally love the love the Coach K class, I think oh, the stories he tells about values based leadership are just on real I think that they’re incredible. I like I think that the stories of I don’t know if either of you are Lewis Hamilton fans but Lewis Hamilton the Formula One driver what a just like an incredible story. I literally I can’t get through it I’ve watched it like three or four times I cry every time because he is just he’s so vulnerable and real and you like you connect with him before he was Lewis Hamilton right he like tells you about his story coming up. I absolutely love that. And then we have a couple of instructors coming soon that I’m super excited about. I like cannot wait for Amy Poehler. She’s I love and absolutely can’t wait for her her class to be released soon.
Steve 38:38
Awesome. Well, so bonus content here after we sort of wrap the show we kept talking but I couldn’t help myself because I wanted to mention that one because I remember it so well. And it was such a such a great experience back when I took it so, that’s it. We’re gonna let you go now and get back to it. Great to see you. Thanks so much again. Thanks, of course check out MasterClass at Work highly recommended. And thanks to our friends at Paychex of course for all their support, or our guests, Mel Steinbach, Trish Steed, my name is Steve Boese. We will see you next time and bye for now.
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